Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit (only 80 MB) free full version

Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit (only 80 MB) free full version
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit (only 80 MB) free full version download

Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit(only 80 MB)

This really is the smallest edition of Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit. Almost 3 Gb comressed to 80 Mb !!!ONLY 80MB! When extracted it becomes much larger but for a download, it's an awesome size!!

Instructions how to make this one work included - i cannot write them here as pics are also needed and it is quite long - but do not hesitate - it only takes 10 mins and works 100%!!

More info is a bit hard to give but it's basically Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate) in a tiny package, it has been compressed so you can download it faster instead of waiting ages for a 3GB one! once extracted follow the instructions i have provided and you will have a fully, updateable, functioning, Vista!

Size : 80 MB



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